Alors apportez sur la sellette et les grillades. Media Enquiries: Office hours: 0303 444 1157 . Note: UK Statistics Authority referred to as ‘the Statistics Board’ in the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 London: The Stationery Office Price £30.00. We will provide global statistical leadership in those fora, and on subjects central to the UK’s interests. It should: a) bolster the statistical Heads of Profession in departments by recommending they are given a more appropriate level of seniority in their departments; b) report on the effectiveness of senior ONS roles with system-wide responsibilities (e.g. What we do; Better Use of Data: Statistics and Research; The Board; Committees; UK Statistical System; Strategy and Business Plan; Careers; Policy Store (GSS site) Meet the Board; Correspondence and Issues. Construction statistics engagement and development. Their achievement would also not have been possible without the changes laid out in ‘Better Statistics, Better Decisions’, our five-year strategy which came to its end in March. At the same time the risk of losing trust through misuse or misunderstanding of official statistics and evidence has never been greater. As you are aware, we recently conducted a review of the Northern Ireland Road Safety Strategy 2020 statistics produced by Department for Infrastructure against the Code of Practice for Statistics. UKSA was established on 1 April 2008 by the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007, and is … Je dois admettre un conflit d’intérêts en tant que directeur non exécutif de la UK Statistics Authority, qui supervise les statistiques nationales et, heureusement, répond au parlement plutôt qu’à un ministère. This document gives a full overview of the quality assurance procedures in place. The Statistics Commission, predecessor to UKSA, carried out research into users and published its report entitled “The Use Made of Official Statistics” in March 2007. • Experimental statistics on whole UK energy flow incorporating end use energy efficiency • Road fuel consumption and the UK motor vehicle fleet . Faster, more relevant data support critical decisions day after day. All that the statistical system does should improve the knowledge base, and the ability of others to use evidence. What we do; Better Use of Data: Statistics and Research; The Board; Committees; UK Statistical System; Strategy and Business Plan; Careers ; Policy Store (GSS site) Meet the Board; Correspondence and Issues. What we do; Our Domains; Code of Practice for Statistics; Meet the Team; Regulatory work. 3.UKSA was established by the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (“the Act”). UK local authority and regional carbon dioxide emissions national statistics: 2005 to 2017 added. Bethan has 6 jobs listed on their profile. Successive governments have wanted it and often failed. The UK Statistics Authority is an independent body operating at arm’s length from government as a non- ministerial department. The previous strategy: Better Statistics, Better Decisions ran from 2015 to 2020. Correspondence; Issues Log; Reviews; Statistics Commission archive; Office for Statistics Regulation; Code of Practice All our communications will be clear, insightful and support public understanding. The ONS is the Authority’s statistical production function and is part of the GSS. Much to be done, but I’m confident that with the people in the ONS, OSR and the GSS, and with the right support, our statisticians can make an even bigger contribution to a United Kingdom that makes better choices at every level, as individuals, as Government and as a country. The system will need clear plans to grasp this opportunity. 26 June 2018. The Act was the first major statistical legislation for 60 years. Increasingly that data is coming from administrative sources. On 11 December 2014, the UK Statistics Authority announced its decision to suspend the designation of construction output and new orders as National Statistics due to concerns about the quality of the Construction Price and Cost Indices used to remove the effects of inflation from the statistics. This is creating a big prize for the statistical system, the Civil Service and for the UK. This presents a challenge to regulation as well as an opportunity in production. It has been produced in conjunction with the UK Statistics Authority's But we do expect the work of the statistical system to be more relevant, quicker, trusted and frequently produced in partnership enabling more detailed analysis at finer more flexible geographies. This title did not adequately describe the role this group played and should play in public life. The OSR is the Authority’s independent statutory regulator. The report is the evidence base for the Mayor’s London Housing Strategy, the latest edition of which was published in May 2018. Twitter; LinkedIn; RSS Feed; Toggle navigation Office for Statistics Regulation. I think in particular the greater use of administrative data, the sharing of data across government and from the private sector, and the deeper collaboration with universities and a myriad of other organisations. The GSS is also a part of the cross-government Analysis Function, which has built a community of analysts of various professional backgrounds working to provide the evidence base for understanding the biggest challenges of the day. Estimates of total final energy consumption from 2005 to 2017 at a regional (NUTS1) and a local (LAU1 - formally NUTS4) level. Five years ago, the Office for Statistics Regulation was known simply as the monitoring and assessment team. The Authority judges that the statistics published in Northern Ireland Road Safety Strategy to 2020: Annual Statistical Report 2015 cannot be designated as National Statistics until the Authority has confirmed that appropriate actions have been taken by DOENI … New, high-frequency online surveys and data science sources provided real-time information about people and businesses as the epidemic progressed. The need and the demand are certainly there. About the Authority. In 2018 manufacturing in the UK accounted for: The previous strategy: Better Statistics, Better Decisions ran from 2015-2020. They have responded with commitment, imagination, flexibility and speed. Separate operational plans from the ONS, OSR and GSS set out how we will achieve this strategy in greater detail. It is essential that the GSS works to join data up wherever possible embracing the emerging Analysis Function and UK’s broader scientific and research community. The strategy Better Statistics, Better Decisions, covering the five years up to 2020, set an ambitious The different parts of the statistical system will contribute to delivery of the objectives set out in this document, in different ways. the practical application of data ethics, through the National Statistician’s Data Ethics Committee and the exercise of impartiality, transparency and openness in all we do to retain the trust of society. In 2020 the UK Statistics Authority launched its new strategy: Statistics for the public good. Alternative methodologies to measure a changed economy were conceived and implemented. In order to draw better insights from the data we acquire, we are continuously working to develop high quality When misrepresentation does occur, it needs to be challenged publicly and directly without hesitation. The opportunity to link multiple sources of data to come to the best answer has been greatly enhanced through new legislation and technology. The Code benefits all of us, as users and citizens. UK Statistics Authority rebukes Gove over Brexit figures. Statistics for the public good | Official statistics are an essential economic and social asset, supporting decision making both inside and outside of government. Road transport energy consumption at regional and local authority level - GOV.UK Cookies on GOV.UK What we do; Better Use of Data: Statistics and Research; UK statistical system; The Board; Committees; Policy Store (GSS site) Strategy and Business Plan; Careers; News; Correspondence and Issues Log. andrea 08/11/2020 business insurance 0. Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) & Business Plan Statistical Appendix (BPSA) • Official statistics. But our statisticians have shown the vital importance of good, relevant statistics and the strength of our statistical system, its people, its institutions and its legislative framework. Professional commentary and advice on contemporary issues is what the system is for. There we described a plan to change the statistical system to help people and institutions make their decisions in a way that would be better informed. The basic resource of the statistical system is data. As the demand increases for statistics and data to measure the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to change our data gathering and release practices, focussing efforts on priority analysis and statistics. History suggests that events like this can accelerate what was happening anyway. Home; News; About the Authority. The aim of this strategy is to keep up the momentum, to make greater data sharing and innovation and a much wider reach of our information across society permanent features of our statistical system. It is up to the leadership to make the system a brilliant place to work. Statistics, like so much else, have been profoundly affected. Find out more on the UK Statistics Authority website. Led by the National Statistician, the ONS is the UK’s internationally recognised National Statistical Institute and largest producer of official statistics. Strategy And Business Plan UK Statistics Authority . As we move into this next phase the striking thing is how much our response to the pandemic has been an acceleration of changes that were already in train and themes of the new strategy. As the pandemic and environmental issues have vividly demonstrated, users need data that can be understood in the international context, not in national isolation. The UK Statistics Authority has launched its new five strategy: Statistics for the Public Good. It allows for the better formulation and evaluation of public policy; it informs public understanding of the world and our place in it; it informs decision makers to take choices and lets others hold the powerful to account. They inform wider debate and allow the public to hold to account organisations that spend public money. The Authority will aim to increase the public value of information already collected through combining it with other information and analysis, making it accessible and presenting the results in a comprehensible way. Local Authority Housing Statistics, England, 2009-10 . ONS works with the UK Statistics Authority. We have removed pre-release access for Ministers and officials to ONS statistics in order to increase public confidence. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland all report their own data, which we collect. We cannot say exactly what statistics the system will produce in five years’ time. informing the public about social and economic matters; assisting in the development and evaluation of public policy; and. The focus of the plan is the work of ONS, the executive arm of the UK Statistics Authority. The context is changing but also much remains the same. It sets out our aims, priorities, mission and values to make the case for change. The previous strategy: Better Statistics, Better Decisions ran from 2015-2020. UK Statistics Authority and Office for Statistics Regulation written evidence to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee’s inquiry on data transparency and accountability: COVID-19. Together, the steps identified in this strategy build on UK strengths to drive better use of data – data use that is more secure, more innovative and more widely recognised as a force for good. We will formally set out progress in our Annual Report to the UK Parliament, the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Parliament, and the Northern Ireland Assembly, but there will be many other opportunities to do that as the strategy progresses. 7 . Foreword from the Chair The UK Statistical System Who we are Where we are now Mission Core Principles Where the statistical system will be in five years Delivering the strategy. GB Tourism Survey (GBTS); GB Day Visits Survey (GBDVS); England / UK Occupancy Survey; Annual Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions; This means that when we release monthly and annual survey reports, we're required to follow the Code of Practice for Official Statistics (2009), as produced by the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA). UK local authority and regional CO2 emissions statistics 2005-2016 published. . Sian is Chief Executive Officer at Xoserve Ltd, the central body responsible for energy allocation, invoicing, meter registration and customer switching activity required to operate the UK’s gas market. This article is more than 1 month old. These reports have also highlighted the need for greater clarity and power around regulation. Separately and independently, the Director General for Regulation reports on progress of the Authority’s regulatory function, the Office for Statistics Regulation. . The UK Statistics Authority should strengthen the governance of the wider statistical system. a statutory remit enshrined in the Statistics and Registration Service Act to independently produce and safeguard national statistics, support the design of policy and produce analysis for the public good. Search site. Guidance and regulation. Statistics are only useful if they can be used. The challenge now is to keep the sense of collaboration and to build on it. Find statistics from government. Summary . UK Statistical System UK Statistics Authority Code of Practice . This means clarity about findings (and their limitations), great visualisation, real world application of advanced analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence as well as a strong use of narrative alongside numbers. But other things have changed markedly. The period of the Better Statistics, Better Decisions strategy ended in March 2020, just as the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way of life in the UK. The head of the UK Statistics Authority has written to England's Health Secretary Matt Hancock asking for greater transparency on testing targets and … guiding principles of trustworthiness, quality and value enshrined in the statutory Code of Practice for Statistics overseen by the OSR. Statistics in other Government Departments (With departmental reporting lines, but professional reporting line to the National Statistician) Chair, UK Statistics Authority Sir Andrew Dilnot CBE Director of Economic Statistics Transformation Francesca Kay Deputy Director Economic Statistics Change & … the UK Statistics Authority to prepare, for each financial year, resource accounts detailing the resources acquired, held or disposed of during the year and the use of resources by the department during the year. Documents. This will be achieved through a focus on building and retaining a culture of delivery, built on the Civil Service Values. This is our strategy for the statistical system. All our activities must build trust in our unique position in the UK and international data landscape. And we will continue to work with, and learn from, our partners in the developing world to ensure statistics and data are at the heart of the UK’s development policies and agenda, and provide help to those most in need. Consumption statistics for fuels used in road transport at regional and local levels from 2005. Strategic Intervention Outline: Crime Statistics . Evidence produced free from political and commercial influence is a cornerstone of democratic society. Background. This will run from 2020 to 2025. Dated 10 November 2015 Sent by: Ed Humpherson Director General for Regulation, UK Statistics Authority Sent to: Jeremy Fagan. of the land use change statistics. Nor can we say precisely how those statistics will be used and consumed. This note provides data on the manufacturing sector, analysis of recent trends and pressures facing the sector, a summary of government policy and a discussion of the potential impact of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. This document sets out the overall context. It includes professional statisticians, data scientists, geographers, researchers, economists, analysts, operational delivery staff, IT specialists and other supporting roles. OSR has also published a number of systemic reviews, notably into joining up data, and adult social care. regulating quality and publicly challenging the misuse of statistics. These steps have built a platform from which OSR interventions, when they are required, can have greater impact. 3 Manufacturing: statistics and policy . Government’s drug strategy. A major national COVID-19 prevalence study was designed and launched in a matter of days. Statistics . UK Statistics Authority | 849 followers on LinkedIn. 2. e), a The UK Statistics Authority has launched its new five strategy: Statistics for the Public Good. Communicating relevant evidence effectively is as important as the quantity and quality of evidence itself. Aim. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Data in all forms are increasingly central to all our lives. Strategy And Business Plan UK Statistics Authority . One example – an important one – lies in joined up government. We will promote transparency and high standards, and support coherence and comparability across the global statistical community. A message about the new strategy from Sir David Norgrove, Chair of the UK Statistics Authority: This vision sets out how we will inform the UK, improve lives and build towards the future. Business News & Information. This means that the publication model for analytical information in the future will be radically different, with more information readily available for research, and publications providing insight in a format that can be readily understood. The Authority is uniquely placed for its role in this through: These are the core principles which will underpin the work of the statistical system over the next five years. We have delivered a new range of statistics to decision-makers in priority areas including productivity, prices, flow of funds, migration between EU and UK, fraud and cybercrime, and homelessness. This is right. Data from the ONS and across the GSS have never been in more demand or achieved such public prominence and scrutiny. This quality assurance strategy has been applied equally to this land use experimental statistical release. Many of the issues facing us today cross departmental and geographical boundaries and the responses to them are organised in a collaborative way. OSR also reports publicly on system-wide issues and on the way statistics are being used, celebrating when the standards are upheld and challenging publicly when they are not. This item is archived and is no longer current. In our data-rich society a good level of statistical literacy will help individuals deal with their finances, understand risk or hold the powerful to account. There is an appetite to learn from journalists, parliamentarians, civil servants and many others. To achieve this, analysts working in the system need to develop their role as communicators. This view was reinforced by parliamentary Select Committee reports and the Independent Review of Economic Statistics (2016). There is a continued demand for evidence to inform policy, service delivery and democratic debate that is felt right across the Government Statistical Service. The UK Statistics Authority’s Statistics for the Public Good is a five year strategy for the UK official statistics system which sets out our aims, priorities, mission and values. As one part of the CONTEST strategy, Prevent sits alongside other work that includes Pursue (stopping terrorist attacks happening in the UK and overseas), Protect (strengthen protection against a terrorist attack in the UK or overseas) and Prepare (mitigate the impact of a terrorist incident if it occurs). In Scotland, the Scottish Government are looking to supplement their case-level statistics available through local authority returns by developing a new rough sleeping data collection system that will both improve the estimates of people sleeping rough in Scotland and facilitate joined up working across organisations working with people sleeping rough or at risk of sleeping rough. Letter from Ed Humpherson, Director General for Regulation, UK Statistics Authority to Jeremy Fagan regarding Government's drug strategy In its current waste strategy “Towards Zero Waste”, the Welsh Government set statutory targets of recycling 58 per cent of waste by 2015-16, 64 The UK Statistics Authority has launched its new five strategy: Statistics for the Public Good. A non- ministerial department to the mission, a clear sense of public policy and... To ONS Statistics in order to increase public confidence ; meet the need for greater and. 2020 as the economy Sent to: Jeremy Fagan '' in PDF format ( ). To meet the need for a confident statistical system home ; on one particular geographical or! Formats which are more useable, drawing together and publishing information in formats which are more useable, together... Progress against the strategy in greater detail GOV.UK cookies on GOV.UK 3 uk statistics authority strategy: for. 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