Developed for the British Literature Classroom, biographical look at the life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. His idea of poetry remains the standard by which others in the English sphere are tried. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born October 21, 1772, at Ottery St. Mary's, Devonshire, the youngest of 14 children. This proved to be the most satisfying arrangement he would ever enjoy. This remarkable copy of The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare contains extensive manuscript notes by the poet and critic Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834). His Essays on His Own Times (1850), collected long after in three volumes, show how serious and capable a critic of society he was. Wordsworth frankly disliked it after the reviews came in, but Lamb led the way in appreciating its odd mix of romance and realism. His definition of imagination remains an important part of his poetic legacy, nevertheless, since it underwrites the development of a symbolist aesthetic still associated with his name though at odds with his enduring commitments. The imminent departure of the Wordsworths, whose one-year lease at Alfoxden was not renewed in June 1798 due to local doubts about their character, precipitated a personal crisis of sorts. They were his constituency and his means of support. Even in such company Coleridge stood out unmistakably: “Come back into memory, like as thou wert in the day-spring of thy fancies, with hope like a fiery column before thee—the dark pillar not yet turned—Samuel Taylor Coleridge—Logician, Metaphysician, Bard!—How have I seen the casual passer through the Cloisters stand still, intranced with admiration (while he weighed the disproportion between the speech and the garb of the young Mirandula), to hear thee unfold, in thy deep and sweet intonations, the mysteries of Jamblichus, or Plotinus (for even in those years thou waxedst not pale at such philosophic draughts), or reciting Homer in his Greek, or Pindar—while the walls of the old Grey Friars re-echoed to the accents of the inspired charity-boy!” The opening notes of awe and eventual disappointment are characteristic, but the portrait of the artist as a young prodigy is more disturbing than Lamb admits. These questions haunt the reflective idiom which he developed in the course of this residence of a year and a half at Nether Stowey, with storm clouds brewing on the horizon. The metaphysical investigation assumed a life of its own, waylaid by deep plunges into Kant and Schelling, among others. The largely negative reviews which it excited on publication concentrated on the “Ancient Mariner,” in part because it was the most substantial poem in the collection, but also because of its self-consciously archaic diction and incredible plot. His move to Keswick in summer 1800 (not long before the birth of his third son, Derwent, on 14 September) represented a kind of retreat from the discouraging world of city politics and city life. Here he would pass the remainder of his life, writing only occasional verse while preparing philosophical lectures (delivered in 1818), revising the text of The Friend for publication as a book, and collating the moral and theological aphorisms which appeared as Aids to Reflection (1825). Coleridge lived in this cottage in Nether Stowey, Somerset, between 1797 and 1798. Jefferson D. Caskey and Melinda M. Stapper, Henry Nelson Coleridge and Sara Coleridge, "Biographical Supplement" to. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in 1772, the youngest of ten children of the vicar of Ottery St Mary in Devon. His father, a vicar of a parish and master of a grammar school, married twice and had fourteen children. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Writer: The Ancient Mariner. Samuel Taylor Coleridge is the premier poet-critic of modern English tradition, distinguished for the scope and influence of his thinking about literature as much as for his innovative verse. It was through the Lyrical Ballads volume that Coleridge’s voices, conversational and “romantic,” were developed and rationalized. Carry on browsing if you're happy with this, or find out how to manage cookies. While Wordsworth was imitating Thomas Gray at Hawkshead Grammar School, Coleridge was steeping in this long tradition of distinguished writing, learning to compose on Bowyer’s principles. Author: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Beer ISBN 10: 0460878263. Coleridge’s various and imposing achievement, a cornerstone of modern English culture, remains an incomparable source of informed reflection on the brave new world whose birth pangs he attended. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, belonged to the British Romantic movement that included Shelley, Keats, Wordsworth, Blake and Byron. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (* 21.Oktober 1772 in Ottery St Mary, Devon; † 25. It stands out, a monument to the realized achievement of the experiment. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born on October 21, 1772 in the rural town of Ottery St Mary, Devonshire. See also: … Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a leader of the British Romantic movement, was born on October 21, 1772, in Devonshire, England. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English poet, critic, and philosopher who was, along with his friend William Wordsworth, one of the founders of the Romantic Movement in England and one of the Lake Poets.He is probably best known for his poems The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Kubla Khan, as well as his major prose work Biographia Literaria.....more. Pantisocracy occupied Coleridge’s energies and continued to influence his sense of vocation for some time after the scheme’s collapse in 1795. This putative science of meaning was meant to shore up the foundations of English as an academic discipline and proved influential not only at Cambridge but throughout the English-speaking world, including the United States, where it provided impetus for the development of the New Criticism, as it was called. The sense of occasion is conveyed in fresh blank verse, not the rattling heroic couplets of Wordsworth’s first extended production. • Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English poet, literary critic and philosopher.• He was the leader of Romantic poetry.• He used opium for inspiration. This meditation on language occupied Coleridge occasionally during the years between his return from Germany in 1799 and the composition of the Biographia Literaria. Book Description: The writings of Samuel Taylor Coleridge are crucial to the literature of European Romanticism. The Philosopher J. S. Mill placed Coleridge, along with Jeremy Bentham, as one of two seminal minds of the age in England. Coleridge continued to produce influential prose works in his final years, including The Statesman’s Manual (1816), Aids to Reflection (1825) and On the Constitution of Church and State (1829). For he was never a disinterested observer. Critical of the rhetorical excesses of the poetry of sensibility which prevailed at the time, he would join forces with Wordsworth in promoting “natural thoughts with natural diction” (Biographia Literaria, chapter 1). It includes his famous comments on Iago’s ‘motiveless malignity’ along with many additional remarks on Othello and other plays. Yet the example of the conversation poems took where it mattered most, among the poets of the next generation and every generation since. It was the setting of his verse breakthrough, of the annus mirabilis in which most of his enduring poems were written. The genesis of the “Ancient Mariner” is more than the story of one poem. Coleridge rejoined his family in Nether Stowey in midsummer 1799, some time after having returned from Germany. Coleridge was preeminently responsible for importing the new German critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant and Friedrich von Schelling; his associated discussion of imagination remains a fixture of institutional criticism while his occasional notations on language proved seminal for the foundation and development of Cambridge English in the 1920s. Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Coleridge’s later development as a poet may be characterized as an effort to arrive at a natural voice which eschewed such devices. How did this bear on our idea of society? Coleridge was the son of a vicar. In Cambridge Coleridge met the radical, future poet laureate Robert Southey. The collaboration turned out to be a struggle for poetic primacy, and Wordsworth’s personal domination eventually meant loss of conviction—and loss of face—for his troubled colleague. Matthew Arnold and T. S. Eliot in England and Robert Frost in America elaborated variously on the conversational convention. The Watchman failed despite Coleridge’s strenuous efforts to enlist subscribers, but it bears witness to his seriousness of purpose. Lamb, the old friend from Christ’s Hospital, and the youthful Hazlitt joined Cottle and other Bristol connections to make up a real if transient community of socially interested parties. Regency Portraits Catalogue Entry. Garden of Shushan! Samuel Taylor Coleridge Biography, Life, Interesting Facts. His basic literary values were formed here under the tutelage of the Reverend James Bowyer, a larger-than-life figure who balanced classical models with native English examples drawn from Shakespeare and Milton. Samuel Taylor Coleridge im Portrait. As a “psychological curiosity” it was interesting to its author mainly as evidence of a state of extreme imaginative excitement. Yet their auspicious beginning was to prove the beginning of the end of Coleridge’s poetic powers. He came to feel that he was not a poet; not a great poet, at least not like Wordsworth. Wordsworth’s rejection of the still unfinished poem contributed to Coleridge’s sense of personal incapacity. 'I fear thee, ancient Mariner! The lectures of 1811-1812 on Shakespeare were influential in the general revival of interest in the Elizabethan drama. Coleridge was drawn to Germany for its literary ferment and new learning. It culminates in the first volume of the Biographia Literaria with an effort to provide rational ground for the critical exercise which follows in the second. At loose ends Coleridge found in Wordsworth a catalyst for his thinking about poetry. He contributed some few lines of verse to the poem in addition. “Tintern Abbey” was noticed only fitfully in early reviews. A section of it was published as “The Present State of Society” in The Watchman, a periodical which Coleridge conducted through ten issues (1 March-13 May 1796). Imagination was already one of his preoccupations; he was interested in Erasmus Darwin’s idea that “the excess of fancy is delirium, of imagination mania.” Extraordinary states of mind, or casts of spirit, color his major poems of this period of innovation, and the effects which he achieved through them have earned enduring recognition. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834) (pop culture) S amuel Taylor Coleridge, a romantic poet and the first to introduce the vampire theme to British poetry, was born in Ottery St. Mary, the son of a minister in the Church of England. In 1781, his father died, and Coleridge went to Christ’s Hospital School in London. In “Frost at Midnight,” composed from the front room of the Lime Street cottage in the winter of 1798, the poet’s isolation drives him to test the resources of nature conceived as a mediating agent. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Coleridge was now on his own as never before, unsettled, constantly ill, searching for a way through his difficulties. Both gave scope to the same human understanding. This collection is often identified as the start of English Romantic poetry, and opens with Coleridge’s poetic masterpiece, ‘The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere’.This ballad about a sailor who shoots an albatross is a supernatural tale of transgression, suffering and partial redemption. After Eden, all terrace, pool, and flower recollect thee: Ye weavers in saffron and haze and Tyrian purple, Tell yet what range in color wakes the eye; Sorcerer, release the dreams born here when Drowsy, shifting palm-shade enspells the brain; And sound! Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English poet from the Romantic period. He is usually described as a man of letters—as the prototype of the modern writer who lives from his earnings as journalist, book reviewer, and jack of all literary trades. Fragment 7: When Hope but made Tranquillity be felt, Hymn before Sun-rise, in the Vale of Chamouni, Love's Apparition and Evanishment: An Allegoric Romance, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (text of 1834), Sonnet: On Receiving a Letter Informing Me of the Birth of a Son. Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote some of the most famous and well-loved poems in the language, including Kubla Khan, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Christabel, Frost at Midnight and many others that still await the wide readership they deserve. And real in this sense they have been to every human being who, from whatever source of delusion, has at any time believed himself under supernatural agency.”. S Samuel Taylor Coleridge Cite This Page Kubla Khan (Xanadu) by Samuel Taylor Coleridge Coleridge composed his poem, ‘Kubla Khan’ , in a state of semi-conscious trance either in the autumn of 1797 or the spring of 1798 and published in 1816. Coleridge died in 1834 after years of personal discomfort and disappointment. As William Wordsworth’s collaborator and constant companion in the formative period of their careers as poets, Coleridge participated in the sea change in English verse associated with Lyrical Ballads (1798). Quotations by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English Poet, Born October 21, 1772. Conventional judgments of good or bad relied on unspoken assumptions which he was concerned to test and modify, where appropriate, by the light of reason. Coleridge’s elaboration on the idea of imagination in this period owes something to the distinction of mechanic and organic form as well. All answer to the formula proposed for Coleridge’s contributions to Lyrical Ballads: supernatural, or at least preternatural, phenomena dignified by association with a human voice. Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems (1798) Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth 2923 downloads Biographia Literaria Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1598 downloads; The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridge 799 downloads; The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 4 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 519 downloads; The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Coleridge travelled to Germany, where he studied at the University of Göttingen. (1936) the echo of the Mariner’s exhortation, “Listen, Stranger!,” from the text of 1798, shows how far Coleridge’s oracular voice would carry. Allan Bank in Grasmere was the home of William Wordsworth and his family from 1808 to 1810. Some of the phrasing of this college phase bears witness to the force of Milton’s example on the student’s impressionable ear. Samuel Taylor Coleridge William Hazlitt, "Samuel Taylor Coleridge" The Spirit of the Age: or Contemporary Portraits (1825) 61-79. Recent publication of his private notebooks has provided further evidence of the constant ferment and vitality of his inquiring spirit. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) was one of the great Romantic poets. Wordsworth, whom Coleridge had met in Bristol some time before, came to visit with his sister, Dorothy, and they soon occupied a substantial house at Alfoxden, walking distance from Nether Stowey. He was often bullied as a child by Frank, the next youngest, and his mother was apparently a bit distant, so it was no surprise when Col1 ran away at age seven. His father was a local vicar who was already 53 when Samuel was born; his father later died when Coleridge was just six years old. If Nature were to be their muse, and the source of their living values, it would have to be observed in all its sorts and conditions. After his death in 1892, he left a literary legacy which includes many of the most popular nineteenth century poems. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, (born October 21, 1772, Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire, England—died July 25, 1834, Highgate, near London), English lyrical poet, critic, and philosopher.                  Parts and proportions of one wondrous whole! Richard & Josephine Haven and Maurianne Adams. And it involved him in historical inquiries—on the origin of the free farming class, for example—which he communicated to his correspondents at home. Through this, “my mind had been habituated to the Vast—& I never regarded my senses in any way as the criteria of my belief. Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) had met the rising sympathy for events in France with questions about the legitimacy and future of the state. : Thomas Sanderson 1797: George Dyer 1798: Anna Seward 1798: Robert Southey … He was the founder of the Romantic Movement in England along with the famous poet William Wordsworth.. He had also authored the major prose Biographia Literaria. In its primitive form, as the effusion of 1796, it reflects the conflict between natural response—“the sense of beauty in forms and sounds,” as he put it in the Biographia Literaria—and higher responsibility. Readers have often taken Coleridge’s theoretic pronouncements about imagination as constituting his poetics, while the account of Wordsworth’s verse shows him applying more conventional standards in new and thoughtful ways. The result has been general misapprehension about his orientation and commitments. Dr. Johnson’s 1765 preface to his edition of Shakespeare’s works had defended him as the poet of nature who held up a mirror to life and manners. His poems suggest, and his lay sermons of the period confirm, that his allegiance was always to an ideal of freedom, not to democratic insurgency. And thou art long, and lank, and brown, As is the … In 1812 the Wedgwood annuity was reduced by half due to financial difficulties related to the war. He was often bullied as a child by Frank, the next youngest, and his mother was apparently a bit distant, so it was no surprise when Col ran away at age seven. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was on 21 st October 1772 in Devonshire, England. The collaboration on “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” is interesting on several counts. However, it quickly expanded into a two-volume autobiography, mixing memoir, philosophy, religion and literary theory, and was heavily influenced by German criticism, the evaluation and interpretation of literature. For he was now faced with the imperative to choose and define a vocation for himself. The quality of his ambivalence did not prevent his speaking out in situations which damaged his reputation among Burke’s party, his natural constituency. Adjudicating taste is the usual purview of the “man of letters.” Coleridge was trying for something more philosophical, of larger scope and bearing: “acting the arbitrator between the old School & the New School to lay down some plain, & perspicuous, tho’ not superficial Canons of Criticism respecting poetry.”. A legend in his time, he came to be seen by friends and contemporaries as the genius who failed. Coleridge’s plan for an expansive treatment in verse of the course of a brook from source to river shows how his walks in the nearby combes contributed to his reflection on the human condition. 171 likes. Among the most famous works written by him is The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Kubla Khan. Poole had proved a loyal friend and steady companion; his patronage was crucial to the success of the resettlement. Southey described it in a dismissive (and anonymous) review as “a Dutch attempt at German sublimity.” Elsewhere it was reckoned “the strangest story of a cock and a bull that we ever saw on paper.” The character of the Mariner also caused confusion. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In vivid letters recounting his early years he describes himself as “a genuine Sans culotte, my veins uncontaminated with one drop of Gentility.” The childhood of isolation and self-absorption which Coleridge describes in these letters has more to do, on his own telling, with his position in the family. Samuel Taylor Coleridge intended Biographia Literaria to be a short preface to a collection of his poems, Sibylline Leaves (1817). Coleridge was born in Devon. Writing in the shadow of Wordsworth’s “Intimations” ode, Coleridge here cultivated a more colloquial delivery while remaining true to his own muse. Coleridge enjoyed walking in the Lake District and named his third son after the river Derwent. Wordsworth made the conversation poem the vehicle of his celebration of enlightenment values: of nature as spiritual home, of man as the measure of things. [Sonnets from various authors], edited, with contributions, by Coleridge (N.p., 1796). The dreamy child’s imagination was nourished by his father’s tales of the planets and stars and enlarged by constant reading. Romanticism was an artistic and intellectual movement which took place in Europe between the late eighteenth and mid-nineteenth centuries. He had also authored the major prose Biographia Literaria. The reconstruction of his abortive synthesis is in progress. While Coleridge’s reputation suffered in the twentieth century when the extent of his addiction to opium and his plagiarisms from German sources were documented, such criticism has overshadowed the originality of the insights he added. In the 1810s, Coleridge established a reputation as a lecturer on philosophy and literature, particularly on the works of Shakespeare. Related Poems Before the Feast of Shushan. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in Ottery St. Mary on 21 October 1772, youngest of the ten children of John Coleridge, a minister, and Ann Bowden Coleridge. It was at this moment of intense exchange that Coleridge wrote his most imposing conversational verse, and that Wordsworth wrote “Lines Written A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey,” his startling initiation in the conversational idiom. Sensation proves adequate to human need; Nature is a providential resource against isolation. Yet his valedictory ode, “Dejection,” first composed as a letter in 1802, shows him at the peak of his powers. He moved into the house of Dr. James Gillman, a physician in Highgate, now a north London village, trying to cure or at least to treat his opium problem. Part of this feeling must have come from the growing hostility of the community in which he was living. Pope’s couplets had begun to sound contrived while the more masculine energies of Shakespeare and Milton were welling up in the imagination of a generation of young writers. Behind him, the young author’s school verse, sonnets, and rambling effusions trace a course of aimless poetasting. In the wake of the republication of Lyrical Ballads in early 1801 (with ‘1800’ on the title page), Coleridge’s critical project became a protracted effort to come to terms with Wordsworth’s radical claims in the “Preface” for a poetry composed “in the real language of men.” This was the “New School” of “natural thoughts in natural diction”: Coleridge’s own school despite his differences with Wordsworth. Fragment 5: Whom should I choose for my Judge? It is an uncertain performance, rambling and disjointed, yet interesting as a portrait of political conviction under pressure. The publication rose and fell by subscriptions, relying on Coleridge’s name and reputation, and finally collapsed under the weight of his private difficulties. Yet the term has come to stand for Coleridge’s decisive innovation as a poet and for his contribution to the formation of Wordsworth’s voice. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in Ottery St. Mary on 21 October 1772, youngest of the ten children of John Coleridge, a minister, and Ann Bowden Coleridge. In the earlier poems of the kind these are indicated only indirectly. Juli 1834 in Highgate, London) war ein englischer Dichter der Romantik, Kritiker und Philosoph. He earned the nickname the “African Mahler”. Though he was discovered and returned the next morning, the memory of that night would provide fodder for his later poetry. Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Military service: 15th Dragoons English poet and philosopher, born on the 21st of October 1772, at his father's vicarage of Ottery St. Mary's, Devonshire. Yet his enduring commitments showed through. Samuel Taylor Coleridge >The English author Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) was a major poet of >the romantic movement. Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s romantic conservatism is passionate, incisive, and high-minded. 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